The basic rules for stringing the horn bow

The starting position

When you are stringing the horn bow, the most important thing is your position. If your position is unstable, you cannot string the bow stably, and it becomes the cause of the bow breaking. The left heel has to press in towards the body, and especially the left foot has to go inside the thigh.

With the position for holding the bow you hold the bow's upper part with the left hand, and you string the bowstring at the nock of the bow normally. The left thumb holds the nock of the bow as shown above. The thumb should be pointed in the same direction as the bow. The part that you especially have to pay attention to is that the back part of the bow handle has to go towards the body.

The string that is strung on the nock of the bow has to be rested on the right thigh in the same position.(There are people who will bite the string or put it around their ear, but it is not good.)

Just like the left hand would hold the nock of the bow, the right hand also has to hold the nock of the bow in the same way as the right thumb pressing the nock, and it has to be in a straight line with the bow.

When you are in the correct position for holding the bow with both hands, try to hold the left knee up as far as possible and pull the left heel area towards the body. Also, the handle has to be between the thigh and the calf, on the side of the knee.

From the position mentioned above, you stretch both hands to both sides of the bow and in a position where you are holding them to the ground, you start stringing the bow.

Make sure they don't leave the ground on the way while dragging both sides of the bow towards the knee. At this time the knee has to stay still while with only the strength of the arms, you have to pull the bow up. You have to pull the bow constantly going to the limits of your arm strength.

While pulling the bow with only the arm, if the hand can't take it anymore or the bow is bending, lower your knee and press the handle down.

If you need to press the handle down, the bow's sides have to be touching the ground, and at this time breath deeply for a little bit and hold both nocks while putting your hand in the 'T' position and reposition yourself. If your hand is sweating, be careful to not slip.

Rest a while while keeping the bow pressed to the ground and if your hands are slippery or you are sweating a lot, re-grip the bow.

After you have regained your position, lift the knee up a little bit and at the same time turn the whole bow around and pull the right side towards your body while lifting the nock to the inside part of your knee. (There is a chance of the bow slipping if the nock goes outside of the knee)

Put the right side of the nock over the knee and breathe in and out for a while and do the next step.

Pull the left hand a little bit while stringing the right side of the string in a fast movement.

Check to see if the right side of the string has been strung up the right way on the bow.

After you have checked to see if it has been strung up right, with the right hand hold the nock of the bow with the string pressed into the bow and put the bow outside of the knee and stay in that position securely.

Hold both sides of the siyah area and make sure you do not do make any movements that can damage the bow. At this time don't let the bow twist around.

After you have positioned it for about 3 minutes, push the handle out and hold the handle with your left foot like it shows in the picture. (This is to make sure the handle does not go towards the body) Keep this position until the bow's balance is correct.

When you have looked at the bow from the top with the string in the center, the handle has to be at the same place as the string or a little outside. Before turning the heat on the hot plate, check to see how the handle and the string are located. You have to hold from the bow from the handle to have a correctly centered bow.

Check the lines

Just after bracing and balancing, the bow needs to set for several minutes. This is accomplished by tying it in position with its bow bag. The sequence is shown below.



















Wrapping bow bag around bow, in detail