WarBow wrote:

Here are some reference videos for you to consider:



You might consider making your own thumb ring:



Just FYI: The cylindrical thumb ring actually produce a cleaner release than the tear shaped one.   big_smile

Do they? I would have thought it's easier to pinch the soft skin of your inner thumb with those ?

I ended up finding one actually (after 1 hour of Google searches) , sold by 3Rivers Archery and I ordered one to fit my thumb. http://www.3riversarchery.com/Thumb+Rin … eitem.html

It's a little expensive for such a small piece of equipment, but since it's hand-made, I guess it's about right.

Also, for your info, the bow(s) I'm planning on shooting are sold on ebay by this store: http://stores.ebay.ca/HandMadeBow?_trksid=p4340.l2563 and the guy really sold a lot and has really good reviews !

Mattia wrote:

First do one by yourself, wrapping a piece of leather around your thumb. With the time will have the right shape and perfect confort.

Later you can ask someone to make one for you. Don't buy online if is for practical use, need to be exactly precise.


Well I guess it's too late for that then... I already ordered one. If it doesn't fit well or I don't like it though, I may consider making my own... if I can manage it.

I'm new to Korean traditional archery but would like to learn how to shoot using a thumb ring. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find one online anywhere. I'm not much of a craftsman to make my own, and would rather buy one. I live in Quebec (Canada).

Would anyone know where I can get one? The only type I found online was the Chinese cylinder type (jade) ring which is not what I'm looking for. I would prefer the other type (long, shaped more like a curved triangle).

Thanks !