Hey everyone, my name is Steven.

I've been reading up on KTA for a while now, and just got a Nomad KTB about a month back. I've only been able to shoot it once, due to lack of properly spined arrows, but I really love the way it shoots, even if I could barely hit the target, haha!

As far as general archery experience goes, I've shot with a club at my university for two years now, and also have a Samick Sage takedown recurve. Olympic style archery never really appealed to me, and I much preferred the aesthetic and feel of a traditional bow, so I guess it was only natural that I end up finding a form of archery like this one.

I pretty much only know the bare basics when it comes to archery; how to shoot a recurve, how to string and wax my bow, etc. For me, knowing how to choose the right spine for arrows for any bow is currently my biggest gap in knowledge, though I'm sure there's plenty of other things about both general archery and KTA that I don't know.

I can't wait to learn more about KTA and get to know the community here!