(15 replies, posted in New Member Introductions)

geoarcher wrote:

Interesting, there's a school for Gungdo in NY?  By any chance is this around Bayside? 

Anyway Welcome! big_smile

Hi and thanks! Unfortunately, we're in Suffolk county but its also mostly a sword art/ tae kwon do school. The sword half of the school switched to the Kummooyeh Federation which still primarily focuses on swordsmanship but incorporates some kuk kung as well (and a bit of meditation). The school may eventually offer classes/ range time for anyone who just wants to practice archery but right now we're still learning. We're also not large enough to have anything near the full 145m range...though I'm not opposed to knocking down a wall to make room:P


(15 replies, posted in New Member Introductions)

Hi! I'm a 2nd Dan/ Kyo Sah Nim in Korean sword art but I've been practicing traditional Korean archery since last year when my martial arts academy made the momentous switch to a new federation. The bow is just as important as the sword in their curriculum and it didn't take long for me to fall in love with it. My daily life can be hectic and I love the sense of calm that comes from an hour of shooting. In both my own practice and as we begin teaching these new skills to the students; its very important to me that I demonstrate the techniques correctly. I know I have tons upon tons still to learn and I'm thrilled to have found this forum. A lot of your discussions and questions have already been incredibly helpful.