Topic: Learning archery in Ulsan

I would like to learn archery and I am living in UNIST, near Ulsan.
Is there some good club there ? With if possible an english speaker teacher ?
Thanks !

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Re: Learning archery in Ulsan

Hi Sam,

There are several clubs in the Ulsan area.  Attached is a list (in Korean) with contact info.


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Re: Learning archery in Ulsan

THANKS !!!! I will check that ASAP...
Is there one you advise ?
I am living around UNIST...

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Re: Learning archery in Ulsan

sam7 wrote:

THANKS !!!! I will check that ASAP...
Is there one you advise ?
I am living around UNIST...

I don't really know the Ulsan clubs well, so I cannot say.

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