I found HMG has shallower tip angle, compared with SMG.
Kaya 's tip angle 's similar with that of HMG.
1 2014-05-28 15:04:56
Re: Anybody use the Hyun mu gung ? (42 replies, posted in Bows)
2 2014-04-04 10:15:15
Re: About to order some shafts and i need some advice... (13 replies, posted in Arrows)
Tiger could provide node matching shafts. Oulay doesn't, so far.
But currently, I am wondering if their shafts came from the same source.
3 2014-03-04 18:36:21
Re: Drawing hand knuckle protection (5 replies, posted in Accessories)
I don't use the glove. Don't apply excessive twist pressure. Don't use brass nocking mark on string.
Kyudo's yukage doesn't work with korean style.
4 2014-02-27 03:41:25
Re: About to order some shafts and i need some advice... (13 replies, posted in Arrows)
I use urethane (synthetic rubber) adhesive and then reinforced with CA.
5 2014-02-26 09:00:49
Re: About to order some shafts and i need some advice... (13 replies, posted in Arrows)
The shafts fly well as long as it straight. You will need to re-adjust straightness once in awhile.
My shafts are a bit over 8 mm so I use 5/16 plastic glue-on nock with no problem. Nirk nock is my favorite, so far.
6 2014-02-26 07:39:42
Re: Shooting your finger? (1 replies, posted in Technique)
Keep your arrow long.
If use short arrow, you did it wrong.
7 2014-02-18 04:27:45
Re: String Twists... (3 replies, posted in Accessories)
Be careful, do not over twist the string as it could climb off the string bridge and send your bow dry fire. It happened a few time to me. After I realized the problem, I usually relax the whole string and put only a couple twist.
8 2014-02-18 04:20:09
Re: Anybody use the Hyun mu gung ? (42 replies, posted in Bows)
I do have one Hyunmugung. The unbraced looks similar with other modern materia korean traditional bows like smg
9 2014-02-18 04:02:54
Re: About to order some shafts and i need some advice... (13 replies, posted in Arrows)
I usually order 100 cm shafts as they are difficult to find elsewhere. Quality is good for the price. I found that higher quality arrows with higher price do not loss proof nor hit proof too.
10 2014-01-31 04:05:14
Re: Hwarang Birch Swap... (23 replies, posted in Bows)
It 's as quiet as rubber. Now I have red felt on leather face to make it looks even more authentic.
11 2014-01-28 15:20:04
Re: Hwarang Birch Swap... (23 replies, posted in Bows)
Thank you
Rubber pads fom SMG worn out a couple years ago so I replaced with thick leather piece.
The painting is just only testing area for gold color felt-tip pen.
12 2014-01-28 05:08:02
Re: Forward Creep (10 replies, posted in Technique)
It 's also good idea to get your bow checked for stacking. Although korean bows spec for 32" DL but I found many modern made has large poundage increase on their last inch (like 3 lb from 31" to 32"in #40 bow) and it could give you creep or uncomfortable feeling. It also give creep,set,yield to bow's limbs in the long run. Large build people should try moderate poundage, long version bow or JangGung and test for their real draw length (which could be 33" or 34" in some people).
13 2014-01-28 04:56:24
Re: Hwarang Birch Swap... (23 replies, posted in Bows)
Since the backing of modern korean bows are just decorative layer. Removal them couldn't ruin bow's performance.
Firstly I found most makers use rubber adhesive for this layer. It can be safely removed with oil or petrol based solvent.
Some makers add another urethane foam layer under the backing. This is also for decorative as it add a convex profile, similar with sinew backing. But technically it would contribute negligible amount to bow's performance and can be removed as well.
I had tried many things for replacement backing except birch bark which is not available in Thailand. Bare FRP backing looks nice modern jet black. Paper backing also give a bark feeling and easy to work with but may crack after some time. Fabric, stretchy variety (most modern korean bow use them) is very durable but a bit difficult to work with. Synthetic suede like modern KAYA KTB also looks nice but get dirty very quick. Basically, you may add any flexible material onto the back.
I found rubber adhesive is good for most materials and easy to work with. You may apply them to both the bow bare back and fabric and let it tacky dry then apply the fabic in the same way with sticker.
This is SMG bow with worn out fabric removed and then replaced with red pulp paper. A couple clear coat layers are applied for durability. It has some surface cracks after a year use but still looks nice.
14 2013-11-04 12:33:17
Re: String pad question (3 replies, posted in Bows)
I use 4 mm thick leather piece and felt.
15 2013-10-29 04:50:57
Re: Kaya Kahn first impressions ::UPDATED! BROKEN!:: (17 replies, posted in Bows)
I would suggest you to re-cosmetic a Kaya KTB instead. It 's cheap and good enough to be a project bow. You may add buid-up rest instead of cut-in shelf.
16 2013-10-21 09:55:27
Re: I've searched around, but think I need to finally ask this question... (5 replies, posted in Bows)
I hadn't made reply earlier because I do not understand the meaning of "unstringing and restringing your bow between shoots". (Pardon my English skill )
Is this means after shooing of every single arrow, un-string and then re-string just before next arrow? I found this practice is very inconvenient in traditional style shooting session (or a set of arrow).
Un-stringing and re-stringing between shooting sessions sounds more practical. And it 's super easy to do so if you use short korean traditional bows.
17 2013-10-21 09:38:08
Re: KAYA KTB 60# problem of the alignment of the string (33 replies, posted in Bows)
I do observed cases of minor limb problem like these before. Most of them can be resolved by train the limbs or counter twist. I do not think the twist is intentionally. And I guess that your limb is not twist at un-strung state. That because the limbs of KAYA were machine made. But strung state will need human QC which is currently need some improvement.
The defect could be a hard spot in the wooden core which, some cases, can be resolved. But if the defect is failure spot in wood core or lamination, then you will observe worse and worse twist. In that case you need to put it away.
18 2013-08-07 11:20:31
Re: I'm about to bite the bullet on a YMG and need some info! (8 replies, posted in Bows)
Hi MW,
I experience a few problems on many modern material, traditional korean bows I handled. Some of them are SMG and some are YMG I think these problems are not generalized as they seems to be specific to that particular bow. They are:
One of heavy used bow has delarmination between core and belly material.
Many of them has rubber bridges flew off. So I had to put a replacement rubber bridges or thick leather pads.
Low poundage bows are susceptible to set.
High poundage bows start stacking at 31". They are good at 32", just not very smooth draw as ones expected.
One thing you should aware of is the birch backing do not provide physical support to the limbs. They are just cosmetic and their traditional function is protecting the sinew back from moisture. The modern material bows do not require birch bark. If you have one, they may peel off if you bump the limbs with hard surface and it is easily to fix. They do not simply peel off by backing extension. Personally, I found fabric/synthetic backings are very easy to peel out and replaced by your favorite material.
19 2013-07-11 01:47:09
Re: No more horn (15 replies, posted in Thumb Rings)
I see, the product need some craftsmanship skill.
Would you like to get some sample? You may send me some product specifications and offer price. I will show them to the artisan and let you know if he would like to join.
These are sample of his work.
Five of them on the left were made under my specification
20 2013-07-08 10:55:42
Re: No more horn (15 replies, posted in Thumb Rings)
Would you please elaborate "goes along with the deal"?
If you want horns cut into specific sizes and specific direction, I will try to ask the suppliers.
21 2013-06-27 15:21:39
Re: No more horn (15 replies, posted in Thumb Rings)
Are you interested in horns from Thailand?
22 2013-06-24 14:18:59
Re: Bamboo Arrow help please (24 replies, posted in Arrows)
My bow is #50@32 and my DL is 32" the spine of bamboo is 55-60, my carbon goldtip tradi spined 55-75. And yes, my bow shift/spin to left upon release due to grip torque.
23 2013-06-23 11:18:07
Re: Bamboo Arrow help please (24 replies, posted in Arrows)
I currently using a bit overspined shafts for SMG #50, both carbon and bambooo. They fly straight as long as your technique is correct.
24 2013-06-19 15:58:08
Re: Where can I buy a thumb ring online? (10 replies, posted in Thumb Rings)
I just got a set of buffalo horn rings from my friend, 17 USD each. He could make rings in any given size
PS: the right most one is my current ring made in Korea
25 2013-04-14 13:56:57
Re: Bamboo arrow spine (37 replies, posted in Arrows)
Sorry for late reply. just recover from laptop damage.
55-60 rating is doing ok for my #50 SMG bow
I do not think they have complete arrows for you as they are bamboo dealer.
The only drawback is their nodes are not perfectly match. Although one node at the nocking end but the others are not aligned.
If you dont want a lot of arrows, my friend bought complete arrows from http://www.chinabambooarrow.com/en/f/Im … father.jpg and nodes are perfectly match.