Re: Chronograph + Analysis of Asiatic & Long Bows (natural & synthetic)
Back then most of us started with Toth or Kassai and they were horribly designed and overpriced for what they were. Plus, we often times would buy too heavy because those typically were the base entries thinking we would grow into the bow but rather we'd usually end up selling it at a loss without gaining good form and or thumb technique.
Et tu ?
It was a 60# Kassai Bear for me.
I'm not surprised the bow does the job. I have tested my kid's Rolan Snake Junior extensively, only without chrono. Designed as kids bow for 24", I drew it to about 30" without problems. It casts 1500 Tyro Avalon arrows (240gn) to about 150m. (Shooting for distance is my chrono-substitute).
Biggest problem is still with arrows, as the Easton Axis 700s tend to fish tale too easily as they do with every bow I shoot them with. Think it has something to do with the fletching....
I had a similar issue with wood arrows.
Reducing the height of the fletching (with scissors) helped in my case. The arrows look now like the "streamlined fletching" manchus you get e.g. from Alibow.