Topic: Opening up the Korean Bow
So I've been studying Kyudo for about a year now and in this genre of archery you're told to open up the bow in a way that it's almost as if you don't have any arms at all although at the same time 2/3rds of the bow or pushing arm are utilized while only 1/3rd of the pulling/string arm are used. A metaphor of 'drawing back the curtains is used'. Energy is focused to your 'tandan' (lower core area) and all this is supposed to bring about a smooth draw and stable 'kai' (holding the bow in position).
When I go back to some Korean/Gungdo videos it looks like sometimes the arms are used more here to open up the bow although I'm not completely sure. I thought I came across text in the past that said the energy is focused to your core are as well to ensure stability.
So what in more detail, is the appropriate way to open up the Korean bow? Is there (an) approach similar to how its specified in Kyudo to open up bow?