Heh, it is normally quiet here. Sorry I missed this for so long. I actually replied to this here first:
http://www.koreanarchery.org/punbb/view … 5398#p5398
The issues were less with the bow (although there is a twist issue that causes them to flip to watch out for) and more to do with the company engaging in a variety of forms of monkey business/fraud. If you buy one, make sure you use a payment method that'll allow you some sort of recourse if the bow doesn't show up, or has some other issue. That is my best advice.
We actually tested one, but as the link notes we retracted what we published. The short version is that the performance is pretty poor, even for the low poundage, because the bow stacks and is very inefficient. That doesn't really matter for a trainer bow though, because it in inexpensive and incredibly durable. *shrug* Like I said in the other thread, we really wanted to carry the bow but were lucky to be able to walk away from this one without a major financial loss. We will not be doing further business with Elong Outdoors.
I hope that is helpful.