Topic: KTB Bamboo Arrow 5ea
Bought a set of these a while ago: … ;id_lang=1
Beautiful works of art but am saving them for a special occasion. And a very soft target.
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Korean Traditional Archery → Arrows → KTB Bamboo Arrow 5ea
Bought a set of these a while ago: … ;id_lang=1
Beautiful works of art but am saving them for a special occasion. And a very soft target.
The price suggests these arrows actually have "gold tips" ...
The price suggests these arrows actually have "gold tips" ...
They were selling for around 150 USD not too long ago. Prices keep going up across the board on that site for nearly everything. Think even the group that sells traditional Korean archery equipment over on ebay has been gradually increasing their prices.
For comparison, arrows like that in Kyudo would cost anywhere from 2-9 times as much.
For comparison, arrows like that in Kyudo would cost anywhere from 2-9 times as much.
I think I heard of that, too.
But still having a hard time to understand the pricing. There seem to be many people with unlimited financial ressources ...
BTW, a club fellow of mine recently showed me photos of replicas of Japanese ceremonial arrows he made. I had organized the bamboo shafts for him. The arrowheads where very elaborate, and in the same pricing ball park.
Perhaps I can get some photos from him...
BTW, a club fellow of mine recently showed me photos of replicas of Japanese ceremonial arrows he made. I had organized the bamboo shafts for him. The arrowheads where very elaborate, and in the same pricing ball park.
Perhaps I can get some photos from him...
Used these with my tong-ah before: … ;id_lang=1
Didn't think it was too much of a learning curve to shoot with them and the tong-ah but was very disappointed when I hit a harder surface part of the target I was shooting at with one of the three I had causing it to break.
At that price, I would have been disappointed, too ...
I had used shortened wood arrows for my experiments, left-over one's for low draw weight bow.
The results were quite mixed, because at that time, I struggling with my technique.
At that price, I would have been disappointed, too ...
I had used shortened wood arrows for my experiments, left-over one's for low draw weight bow.
The results were quite mixed, because at that time, I struggling with my technique.
Wasn't disappointed that way. More of a public notice plus review of what to expect when using bamboo arrows at that length. Even in Kyudo, the bamboo arrows break all the time. So I fully expect that. However, you can actually send them back to Japan and have the fletcher repair the arrow. Not so much in Gungdo.
Still confused by the price - 50$ is what I expect for a well-made historical replica, not for a "everyday" product.
However, you can actually send them back to Japan and have the fletcher repair the arrow. Not so much in Gungdo
That sounds rather like the latter...
Still confused by the price - 50$ is what I expect for a well-made historical replica, not for a "everyday" product.
That sounds rather like the latter...
Arrows break all the time. Regardless of type or make. Period. 'Historical replicas' or probably better terminology in this case, traditionally made things, are never cheap and are hardly 'everyday products' in any sense.
The mantra repeated at most archery ranges I've ever been to: don't fall in love with your ammo.
Anyway if you have other questions or concerns relating to the products I suggest you contact someone over at the site.
Arrows break all the time. Regardless of type or make. Period. 'Historical replicas' or probably better terminology in this case, traditionally made things, are never cheap and are hardly 'everyday products' in any sense.
The mantra repeated at most archery ranges I've ever been to: don't fall in love with your ammo.
That's for sure.
Working with traditional materials and methods (like sinew) surely justifies the price. Only, I would not shoot this particular arrows on a range, whith a good chance to break it. Just like the military does not go into exercise/battle with dress uniforms.
I would make everyday arrows from modern materials for about a tenth of the costs.
Which do not look that nice, admittely, but don't move me to tears when breaking ...
Which is my view - I'm shooting for myself, basically. Still the only one in the club doing thumb draw, let alone KTBs.
I'm doing some 3D competitions occasianlly with separate "horsebow" class, to hook up other thumb archers.
Most of them shooting bows from Hungarian bowyers, with Vegh domination locally.
Only, I would not shoot this particular arrows on a range....
You can always set up 'soft targets' at a range which I'd sometimes do unless your range/club is strict or limited here. However I usually prefer to shoot all my bows on private property at targets that are appropriate. Regardless, arrows break.
These are intriguing but never felt like investing:
You can always set up 'soft targets' at a range which I'd sometimes do unless your range/club is strict or limited here. However I usually prefer to shoot all my bows on private property at targets that are appropriate. Regardless, arrows break.
I have this opportunity at my parent's home, which I am rarely able to visit. I shoot sometimes in the garage, merely as technique training.
My club does not forbid tong-ah shooting - they don't know about it, actually.
I tried once with appropriately shortened wood arrows. Because I had been struggling with technique anyway, the results were quite mixed.
Would be interesting to know if one could shoot 3D tournaments with it. Some instinctive classes (like longbow or primitive bow) are tightly regulated - wood arrows only, no facewalking, no stringwalking, only mediterranean release. If there is a horsebow class at all, the only constraint are wood arrows. Tong-ah and pyunjun are virtually unknown in the European 3D scene.
And if you don't want to shell out 235 dollars for one whistling arrow here is a cheap alternative:
And if you don't want to shell out 235 dollars for one whistling arrow here is a cheap alternative: … orant.html
Don't know what the 235$ refer to, but that's a hefty price ...
I think I have seen how-to-guides similar to the linked one, one even used a Kinder egg.
Here in Europe, many archery shops sell whistling arrowheads for about 5..6$ - which would be my preferred alternative.
Don't know what the 235$ refer to...
The Hyoshi / Whistling Arrow. Check the link a few above I posted.
....many archery shops sell whistling arrowheads for about 5..6$ - which would be my preferred alternative.
Which quite frankly seems a bit excessive as well in terms of price for what the item actually is.
Especially if its by the piece.
Ping pong balls I'd imagine would also suffice in this matter well and would go further for your buck. All you need are a few simple tools and willingness to just spend some time. Especially considering the ephemeral nature of ammo. Heads can be one of those pesky things that get lost or damaged easily. I'd rather spend my money on just normal arrow heads that sell for that much by the 12 pack and add any bells and whistles as I would desire. No pun intended.
The Hyoshi / Whistling Arrow. Check the link a few above I posted.
Right. I have seen it, but didn't notice the price ...
I would have expected a platinum-plated gold head for that money .
Which quite frankly seems a bit excessive as well in terms of price for what the item actually is.
Especially if its by the piece.
Which kept me from stocking up on such arrow heads. I would rather use a field tip for a tenth of the price, and use a ping pong ball or Kinder egg.
But OTOH, compare it to typical bow hunter equipment. Mechanical arrowheads (unfolding on impact) for 10..20$ each, on carbon shafts for typically 10..15$ each, and shot from a 1k$ (compound) bow.
After this thread, and the wonderful weather here at the weekend, I felt the urge to try my tong-ah as well.
Which didn't work out so well, I just managed one shot.
Whith the other tries, the arrow tip was sticking out, and I couln't manage to keep it in the 'rail'. That didn't feel safe to me, and stopped.
Which makes me believe my arrows are not appropriate. The have a flat nock (same diameter as the shaft) quite thick winding at the start of the fletching - which is only appropriate for full length arrows.
Not sure if I rework them, or make new one's. From the link to Freddy's shop, it looks like the nock region is slightly thicker, and the fletchings have no windings. This way, the arrows should be flush when pressed slightly with the index finger against the nock region.
My single shot was actually not so bad, I hit the 10 ring of a 1,2m FITA target face at 10m (11yds).
After this thread, and the wonderful weather here at the weekend, I felt the urge to try my tong-ah as well.
Which didn't work out so well, I just managed one shot.
Whith the other tries, the arrow tip was sticking out, and I couln't manage to keep it in the 'rail'. That didn't feel safe to me, and stopped.
Which makes me believe my arrows are not appropriate. The have a flat nock (same diameter as the shaft) quite thick winding at the start of the fletching - which is only appropriate for full length arrows.
Not sure if I rework them, or make new one's. From the link to Freddy's shop, it looks like the nock region is slightly thicker, and the fletchings have no windings. This way, the arrows should be flush when pressed slightly with the index finger against the nock region.My single shot was actually not so bad, I hit the 10 ring of a 1,2m FITA target face at 10m (11yds).
That's a good start at least & I salute your bravery
Not sure if I rework them, or make new one's. From the link to Freddy's shop, it looks like the nock region.....
If you have uncertainty here but don't want to put out the money for the real deal, it may be wise to consult with the guys over at ATARN that actually make this stuff and have taken measurements from museums and what not in order to replicate traditional arrows like these quite well.
Not worth potentially injuring yourself here m8.
ragnar wrote:Not sure if I rework them, or make new one's. From the link to Freddy's shop, it looks like the nock region.....
If you have uncertainty here but don't want to put out the money for the real deal, it may be wise to consult with the guys over at ATARN that actually make this stuff and have taken measurements from museums and what not in order to replicate traditional arrows like these quite well.
Not worth potentially injuring yourself here m8.
I will definitely do this. Even the picture from Freddy's shop page helped me a lot.
When about trying to shoot my tong-ah, I thought a while about it, and come up with some further questions and comments.
The first issue - what arrowheads were used for pyeonjeons in a historical context, i.e. for military use ?
The rail practically limits the size and diameter, a proper war-type broadhead would IMHO be impractical or very dangerous to shoot.
I can imagine pyeonjeons for military use had bodkin-like tips, or similar to contemporary field tips.
Second, the "Pyeonjeon" Wikipedia entry contains some gross errors.
It states for instance:
"Their higher speed and aerodynamic efficiency means they penetrate armour better at range."
"Aerodynamic efficiency" basically refers to drag, which is not much different from a longer, normal-sized arrow.
The drag coefficient is determined by cross sectional area and fletching size, not by length along the flight axis.
"...they penetrate armour better at range" The opposite is true. Penetration is related to kinetic momentum (mass x velocity), see below.
"Further more, the short bolts had longer range and flatter trajectory with a faster velocity and penetrating power."
The first part is true, initial velocity is higher, resulting in a flatter trajectory.
However, I have an issue with both grammar and proposition of the last part.
Filling the implicit ellipsis, it would say "... with a faster penetrating power.", which is an abstruse wording.
But even worse, it is untrue, physically incorrect.
Assuming normal sized and short arrows (pyeonjeon) are shot from the same bow, the initial kinetic energy depends on the bow only.
And assuming ideal or very high efficiency of the bow, the same kinetic energy is transferred initially into both arrow.
Therefore, the shorter and lighter pyeonjeon will start out significantly faster.
But since drag depends on cross sectional area, drag coefficient and velocity (actually velocity squared), the velocity of a pyeonjeon will drop much faster then those of a normal arrow.
Penetration OTOH is proportional to kinetic momentum (mass x velocity), not kinetic energy - see Ed Ashby's work on arrow lethality.
Combined with the significant drop in velocity, a pyeonjeon's penetration beyond the range of a normal arrow (say, 200m) is much less.
I suppose it might not even have penetrated thick armour (of elite warriors like samurai) at all.
In tactical terms, it extends the effective range of archers significantly, and was useful against unarmoured or lightly armoured enemies.
Historical texts about Ottoman archery describe this explicitly. They used the majra (tong-ah) to harass enemy troops beyond the range of enemy archers, to disrupt their formation and attacks.
The Manchus and Englishmen had good reasons to use 1500 .. 2000gn arrows against heavily armoured opponents.
The post got a bit long, hope you don't mind ...
Second, the "Pyeonjeon" Wikipedia entry contains some gross errors....
Yeah don't waste time with wikipedia here m8. Tis no reliable ancient engineering manual. Those who are in the know go to ATARN. I'd start with the forum first which is still somewhat active. If you can't find what you are looking for there then go to the FB page and see if anyone will share any notes or diagrams from more reliable first hand research.
Also don't always rely on older research. Make the equipment as close as possible to reliable specs (as much as possible) and then do your own testing.
Yeah don't waste time with wikipedia here m8. Tis no reliable ancient engineering manual.
The name "Wackopedia" is not by chance. Don't get me started on Wackopedia and history & politics ...
Also don't always rely on older research. Make the equipment as close as possible to reliable specs (as much as possible) and then do your own testing.
I will do. Usually, I trust my instincts.
In a "guide rail" styled weapon like the tong-ah, a projectile needs to have at least two stable support points on each side of the COG.
And in case of the tong-ah, it should be the tip and the nock. This was not the case, so I better refrained from shooting ...
The improved arrows are in the works, I removed the windings on the front of the fletching, and thicken the diameter near the nock.
The improved arrows are in the works, I removed the windings on the front of the fletching, and thicken the diameter near the nock.
Still not enough.
I checked them, by laying it on the tong-ah rail, and slightly pressed at the nock area. The arrows still not lay flat, because of the fat quill of the feathers. Think I try at least one arrow, remove the fletching, and sand the quill down to 1..2 tenth of an inch.
These arrows date back to a time when a naive me still believed that one can buy quality wood arrows for cheap in online archery shops ...
Korean Traditional Archery → Arrows → KTB Bamboo Arrow 5ea
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