Topic: Hello from the Isle of Man
Hi all
I'm a new member living in the Isle of Man.
For those not familiar with it, it's, a small Island in the Irish Sea in the geographical centre of the British Isles, famous for the TT motorcycle races.
I'm a new archer (since December 2022) and new to Korean Archery, since I bought a 35# 53" Freddie Archery Nomad Black Shadow in February 2023.
I've been practicing since then, and doing field / 3d archery with it.
I recently bought my second Korean Bow, a 40# 50" Jumong Gung / JMG by Jeil / Cheil (in the attached image)
I'm looking to keep practising and develop good form with both bows.
Looking forward to discussing form, tips and Korean bows with you all.
I'm on several groups on face book, like ATARN, Asiatic Archery, UK thumbshooters and Korean Traditional Archery: Learning the way of the bow
PS. I'm also on Tik Tok … 2&_r=1