Topic: Hi from New Zealand
Hello there!
I've long practiced various martial arts including weapons training (HEMA before it was officially known as HEMA, back in the 90s) but that was some time ago. I recently got into military archery as a way to get back into martial arts; less risk of being punched, but the same amount of effort and pain required to get good :-)
Most of my (self) training so far has been focused on Gao Ying's style (thanks to Justin Ma's excellent videos) and Mamluk/Turkish (most online videos seem to lean towards that style, plus I love the bows). That said, I do have a Korean (Daylite) bow in my collection that I bought mostly for strength-training, but I'd like to learn more about how to shoot it properly. Basically, I want to learn to shoot period techniques with period bows - or at least modern recreations.
So yeah, I'm keen to lean more about Korean archery in general, the history of the techniques and the history of bow-making.