Topic: Hello from Sweden


New member joining from Sweden, geographically.
I'm Korean living in Sweden.

Learnt and trained Korean trad archery from Korea but had a break after moving abroad.

Now I'm doing it again but this time, also training olympic style too. It's very interesting to compare difference in style and figure out why.

Had 52# @31 hmg(modern material), it gave up with my shooting habit after 4yrs and died (I used to give lots of tillering(mitjang))

Now I have a 60# custom product from a horn bow craftman but in modern material. Still alive.

Joined to learn more about Korean bow in technical aspect because Korean forums about Korean trad archery trends to be very holistic and unscientific.

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Re: Hello from Sweden

Hi!  I'm new here too.  I wish good luck to us both in learning KTA.

I'm curious about your experience.  When you trained and studied in Korea, did you use a horn bow?  Or a modern KTB?  How was your experience? 

I've shot 7 years of Olympic Archery, and I've recently started studying KTA.  It's very cool to learn and appreciate both styles.

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3 (edited by donglnap 2024-08-12 06:12:25)

Re: Hello from Sweden


I've only used modern one. I just can't afford time and attention that is needed to maintain traditional hornbow.

I've seen people using hornbow in the club and they spend 30min stringing and correcting limbs. I've heard that it doesn't need that much attention if it's used often but still, if it's not aligned carefully or if the khatra is too harsh, bow can always flip and destroy itself. It is rare occasion but that's probably because most people spent 30min untwisting and balancing limbs every single time.

There's big hype about hornbow in Korea especially among old people but the truth is carbon made Korean bow is actually faster and more efficient than horn bow and the actual advantage of horn bow is that it looks cool, it can take much longer draw length, better at dampening shock. But old people tend to compare it to performance of glass fiber laminated one.

There's some "meeting in the middle" approaches such as horn and sinew but with modern glue but they often are less durable.

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Re: Hello from Sweden

Welcome to the forum donglnap and facultyofmusic.  Response can be slow but there are some very knowledgeable people here.

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Re: Hello from Sweden


This site is not as active as it used to be but still lots of information about.

I am primarily on FB, Reddit and Discord these days for example.

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