Topic: New England?
Any Korean Traditional archery happening in New England?
Board for the discussion of topics related to Korean traditional archery
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Korean Traditional Archery → North America → New England?
Not at the event level that I'm aware of. I'm not really the right one to ask though. Thankfully, up here, there is plenty of space so really you need only find a spot, set up a target, and have at it.
I was afraid of that. One would think that with millions of Chinese, a fair amount of Japanese and a few Korean restaurants spread around NE there would be some Asian archery. Open hand martial arts is established here. Why nor archery?
There is an official Korean archery club in N.E. Check with Freddie Won for the current info:
There is an official Korean archery club in N.E. Check with Freddie Won for the current info:
Thanks, I'll touch base with him.
I was actually incredibly interested when I saw this information and contacted Freddie. Sent an email to out to the address he gave a couple of days ago but no answer yet.
Anyone else able to do better?
I was actually incredibly interested when I saw this information and contacted Freddie. Sent an email to out to the address he gave a couple of days ago but no answer yet.
Anyone else able to do better?
Same results here. Freddie Won responded with an email address for the Korean American Youth Program in Auburn, NH which didn't bounce but hasn't responded yet.
Same results here. Freddie Won responded with an email address for the Korean American Youth Program in Auburn, NH which didn't bounce but hasn't responded yet.
I did some poking around too regarding the club using 'KAYP' as search term in FB. Looks like an informal setup at the moment. Wasn't too sure if there would be more of an authentic range with seminars like Master Kim has out on the west coast but nonetheless if any seminar or learning opportunity was offered like what Master Kim does I'd still be interested.
Korean Traditional Archery → North America → New England?
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