ragnar wrote:BTW, I remember several real horn/sinew bow offers here in Europe, between 1500 ... 5000€. Not quite Korean, but very similar.
Being on another archery forum with hobby bowyers (successfully) building horn/sinew bows and recalling their build-along descriptions, I'm a bit suspicious of the "authenticity" of said Freddie's bow...
Sinew preparation is a tedious process, and glue drying takes weeks in each step.
Its very confusing how this item is being marketed. Labeled a 'true' gakgung yet the picture suggests its some fort of continuation from that ~500 USD series. Specs of course in the picture seem to suggest its a synthetic with horn belly. Tageuk and SMG have made similar products for quite a bit less. The price of this item nearly approaches the price of an actual gakgung.
However, I suspect the marketing behind this is it to have something so close in specs and aesthetics to a gakgung but without actually being one (less hassle for maintenance, operation, stringing). And so the term 'authentic' is being used somewhat clumsy to convey this.
Anyway, at 800 plus dollars I doubt we'll hear any user reviews on this item anytime soon.