1 (edited by facultyofmusic 2024-08-12 00:17:58)

Topic: Purpose of threads wrapped around the bow?

In videos of people practicing with their horn bows I sometimes notice sections of their bows are tightly wrapped with threads.  Sometimes it's a small section along the limbs, sometimes it's almost the whole bow.  What is the purpose of this wrapping? 

EDIT: I tried attaching a picture to illustrate, but it's not showing in the post.

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Re: Purpose of threads wrapped around the bow?

facultyofmusic wrote:

In videos of people practicing with their horn bows I sometimes notice sections of their bows are tightly wrapped with threads.  Sometimes it's a small section along the limbs, sometimes it's almost the whole bow.  What is the purpose of this wrapping? 

EDIT: I tried attaching a picture to illustrate, but it's not showing in the post.

The thread or cord wrap is usually to reinforce the transition joint between bone and wood of a horn bow.  Same for the glass or carbon fiber laminate to wood joint of the more modern construction bows.

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