(1 replies, posted in New Member Introductions)

Hi there!
I live in Denmark and have been shooting the longbow for some years.
I make most my equipment myself and hope some day to be able to post a hornbow of some sort, preferably I'll make a korean style bow, but this will likely take loong time before I will take that challenge.
I work as a physiotherapist and archery as well as the making of bows and accessories is really a sort of meditation to me.
See ya around  smile


(5 replies, posted in Health & Fitness)

Congrats with your progress, you're certainly well on your way and lots of what you are doing makes good sense to me.
Personally I would suggest balance training as well as Pilates or other stability training.
I know - lots of guys think Pilates is for girls - I use Pilates core principles a lot in my daily work as a physiotherapist and both men and women often get surprised how taxing a rather simple looking exercise can be when you focus on the quality of the movement and not just the sheer power.  cool
Yoga may be another good way (among a few others I can think of) to achieve the same, but I have no personal or professional experiences with yoga.