(24 replies, posted in Arrows)

Olivier Coulazou wrote:
jchocz wrote:

Bamboo arrows to break the nodes in the case of spine shafts 80lb (or more). Nodes are critical - fragile (hit the target edges, tree branch ...).

I don't understand this  hmm

I think what is being said is that even 80# spined shafts can break at the node...emphasingvthat the node is a "fragile" part of the shaft regardless of the spine rating...?

That's what I understood from it anyway...


(24 replies, posted in Arrows)

jchocz wrote:
gpang788 wrote:

Given that the arrows are only slightly heavier spined then the draw weight, will they break at the nodes when shooting at distances of 15m or less?

Bamboo arrows to break the nodes in the case of spine shafts 80lb (or more). Nodes are critical - fragile (hit the target edges, tree branch ...).

So basically the bamboo arrow could break at the nodes regardless of the shaft spine, right?


(24 replies, posted in Arrows)

So what about arrows that are for example not drawn to 32"? So for instance 29" arrows drawn to 28". What would you do with regards to the spine then? Increase or decrease it?


(24 replies, posted in Arrows)

I was advised originally to go approx 20# higher,,, but then when I actually was ordering the shafts the seller advised me that I would require 85-90# shafts.


(24 replies, posted in Arrows)

(continued) inch arrows. they are soo big , they fly like UFOs, they dont travel much and they seem slow. i really dont like them. im shooting outdoors at around 90 metres. i should have just got matching shafts.

who says that shafts must be at such an increased weight just because one is using the the thumb draw technique?? its the first ive heard of it. does anyone know anything about this?
im going to get some matching bamboo shafts for my 50 turkish bow now and see how they fly.



(24 replies, posted in Arrows)

i bought 85-90 spined bamboo shafts for my 38# smg, as advised by the shaft seller for full length 33


(37 replies, posted in Arrows)

I hav had no response. I emailed that same address.


(37 replies, posted in Arrows)

How did you order from oulay?
I tried a month or so ago, still yet to any sort of response.



(9 replies, posted in Bows)

ah okay. i understand now completely. so "hwarang" is what we could say the western name for the korean traditional bow, and it became that through your advertising.
i understand.

where can i purchase the booklet and video Thomas?




(9 replies, posted in Bows)

what exactly is a SMG hwarang?

i have a SMG bow, the carbon one, and seen the bamboo one, but never seen one called hwarang.


(24 replies, posted in Arrows)

Just to be clear, i shoot using the thumb draw technique, and the bamboo shaft supplier advised the higher weight rating arrows because of the thumb draw technique.

I have no idea about this. I have always used SMG carbon arrows with SMG bows. However I didn't bring any SMG carbon arrows with me back to UK, so now I have to sort some arrows out.


(24 replies, posted in Arrows)

Hi all,

I am about to order some bamboo shafts, but before I do so I need some advice.
The seller of the shafts has advised me that I should order shafts approx 20# higher than my bow poundage.

So my question is:

What weight rating bamboo shafts should I purchase to suit my 38# SMG bow?

