(17 replies, posted in Bows)

If you think oh it's only an inch or 2 it doesn't make a difference, I don't know what to tell you. Why you are mixing styles into a generic Asian'ish glob with stuff from a modern style page with specifics on olympic recurves on a Korean traditional archery forum is beyond me.

The op posted his question, we both provided info that's hopefully helpful.


(17 replies, posted in Bows)

I'm well aware of the differences between Ming and Qing. I brought up the Ming style because it's yet another style with plenty of stuff that's different and is one of the more popular styles due to Justin's book.

And no, the kyudo way of determining length is not universal in all Asian styles.


(17 replies, posted in Bows)

In that case the korean armory bow is probably fine. Kyudo draw is quite a bit different than Korean draw though, stance, grip, shoulder angles, draw length, etc. Chinese Ming style is also pretty different. All depends on what the op wants to do.


(17 replies, posted in Bows)

I'd recommend contacting the seller and find out how long that bow actually is since that info is not listed. As flexible as these bows are, I doubt a 44inch short carbon bow is going to accommodate a 6 foot tall guy shooting a 7 or 8chi arrows very well. Not for very long anyway.

My teacher actually starts people out with bows light than that. At least 2 guys at my jung started with 18# just so they can get the form right.


(2 replies, posted in Technique)

Hi guys,

Ever since I switched from my 46# mariner to my 60'ish# SMG I noticed my arrows are rubbing the arrow pass quite a bit more.  I've been working on my release and the results are still inconsistent.  Sometimes I get a clean shot off, more often than not I get another rub.  Is this because I'm pressing my draw hand's index knuckle into the arrow too hard or do I need to push against the jum-tong from a different spot on my bow hand?  For reference, the dark/reddish spot on the heel of my palm is where I've been pushing the grip against:



(13 replies, posted in Bows)

Yup, shooting thumb.  Getting hit right where my watch would be.  I raised the brace height to above 5, no more slaps.


(13 replies, posted in Bows)

I got a new 47-inch smg today from my teacher (locomotive was there too) and I smacked my wrist more times than I could count. I checked the brace height after I got home. Oh, 4.5''.  Twisted the string 30 times to get it just above 5. Will see how it shoots tomorrow.


(9 replies, posted in Bows)

Yeah, great looking bow for sure. Bet those kids are happy...


(8 replies, posted in Bows)

Thanks for that; I'm currently using a non-Korean bow but I'll be getting an SMG from my teacher this weekend.  I'll use that as a reference to build up the handle on my current one.


(8 replies, posted in Bows)

Sorry that I was being vague; are there any guidelines on how thick the grip should be?


(8 replies, posted in Bows)

Are there any specific guidelines about how this should fit in your hand aside from fingers should not be touching the palm?


(17 replies, posted in Arrows)

Huh, interesting. Those look like casters that are used on file cabinets. Thanks for sharing the pics. Looks like a nice, sturdy jig.


(17 replies, posted in Arrows)

morton509 wrote:

Looking good, well done.  Now when you lose those arrows in the bushes it will hurt extra bad.

Boy isn't that the truth.


(17 replies, posted in Arrows)

Thanks for that; I'll try the lego route first (pics showed up for me) and see how it goes.


(17 replies, posted in Arrows)

Man that looks really good.  Did you make a jig for cresting them?

Yeah there wouldn't be any sort of "maybe" if your finger's getting thwacked   big_smile

Did you ask Master Kim about it?

Is that part of your index finger rubbing the string when you draw? Does your index finger get thwack by the string when you release? If so you might want to twist your hand counter-clockwise and make sure it's outside the string.

If it's your thumb nail scraping on it, maybe tuck your thumb tip further up?

Thanks for the follow up info, Locomotive and Mr. Duvernay.  I think I'll end up getting a bow from Master Kim for now mainly for convenience (and this also makes buggin him for additional info on setting up bow strings and such easier).

The seller's luke1731 and I know he handles a good amount of sales stuff with ymg. This particular item used to have a pic with a bow with song mu gung printed on the belly but he removed that pic recently for whatever reason.

I'm local'ish to Pedro and Locomotive and am also taking instructions from Master Kim. Might end up ordering this bow instead just because the price is great and it's different from all the smg's we have down here.