(1 replies, posted in Bows)

Hello all,

First of all I hope that everyone will get as much shooting hours this year that he/she would love to shoot.

I wanted to buy me a korean bow for the first time.

When I heard about thumb release a few years back I immediatly ordered me a 30# @ 28" bow to start. Now I've been shooting with my former 40# @ 28" and I would love to upgrade.

Now I want my first korean bow however I'm unsure what draw weight I should pick.
My drawlength is about 30"
Koreanbows are measured at 31"

So should I buy a 45# or a 50#?
Is it true that at 45# @31" = 42.5# @ 30"? If so, then I think a 50# bow would be better or am I wrong here?

Can anyone please verify? I would hate it to buy a 45# only to find out that it's kinda the same draw weight as my current situation.

I'll await you response big_smile