(6 replies, posted in Bows)

The KTB can be drawn to 35" absolute max.  Once your draw hits 32", the arrows leaves the bow like mad.


(15 replies, posted in Accessories)

Thomas and other experts,

Do you know a blacksmith or a manufacturer of traditional Korean arrowheads?  I am looking for something like these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK_Q96BKsdA to make my own bamboo arrows.




(0 replies, posted in Kaya Bows)

Has anyone tried out the 60# and 65# version of the KTB yet?  I will place an order for both later.


(57 replies, posted in Bows)

Is the Khan really limited in draw length to 29"?  I thought it is only smooth till 29" and can still be drawn further.  For example, a thumb ring will allow the archer to draw at least two inches further than the three-finger draw.