Topic: My New (To Me) Mind 50 Arrived today!

Wow, I was expecting light, but this thing is scary. I'm afraid I'll break it by looking at it wrong...
Compared to my old Browning 50# Recurve it is a toothpick.
Can't wait to get it home to try it out!
Pics coming as soon as I get off work...

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Re: My New (To Me) Mind 50 Arrived today!

Have fun!

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Re: My New (To Me) Mind 50 Arrived today!

1187shooter wrote:

Wow, I was expecting light, but this thing is scary. I'm afraid I'll break it by looking at it wrong...
Compared to my old Browning 50# Recurve it is a toothpick.
Can't wait to get it home to try it out!
Pics coming as soon as I get off work...

That Samick Mind50 looks and feels dainty but it's not. It's a very tough little bow. It's also pretty fast. It's a favorite practice bow for many horse archers. The one you got came with a Dacron B-50 bowstring. Not the fastest of strings. I think this bow could probably handle a fastflight string easily to squeeze out a bit more speed.
Hope you enjoy the bow.

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Re: My New (To Me) Mind 50 Arrived today!

Thanks for the heads up, Tony!
I'll look into ordering a new string when I order some more arrows, but that leads to some more ideas I have...
I've thought about making my own strings... I used to tie flies when I was younger, as well as built and repaired fishing poles, and nets and did a lot of similar crafts... it doesn't look like it is a very difficult undertaking, just time consuming.
I'll most likely get back into fletching my own arrows as well, it's been a while, and I was never very serious about it, but it is a good winter hobby, and a lot easier to find components for than reloading.
We'll see how many of my great ideas actually come to fruition...  hmm
Anyways, I'm headed home to play with my new bow. I just showed it to my boss who is an avid semi professional bow-hunter... he was very impressed with it.
I just finished up a 3 day moose hunt with him, and was quite dazzled by all of his high tech (but not outrageously so) gear. Everything he had was practical, efficient and had a definite purpose, not like all of the typical bells and whistles tourist hunters we get up here. He almost had me convinced to go out and buy a compound. Almost, but not quite.

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