Topic: Gak-gung shapes: ogum (오금)
Not all gak-gung have the same shape to them exactly. Example:
The areas circled are termed 'ogum' (오금) and consist of three subdivisions (see bluelake's/Thomas Duvernay's book for more detail on the subdivisions). The left bow has what was described to me by my bowyer as a 'short ogum' while the bow to the right has a 'far ogum'. 'Short' gives you easier draw at the beginning while for 'far' it's at the end. I am not exactly sure how these variations in 'ogum' are crafted into the bow. I know from inquiring that the bracers/dojigae and string length (alone?) apparently have nothing to do with determining the distance of the 'ogum' area.
Regardless, you may have noticed these subtle differences and wondered how and why.