Topic: Maintenance

In the next day or so, the site might be down for maintenance, as I will update the version.  Right now, I am backing up the database, which may take a couple hours.  I might do the update tonight or tomorrow.

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Re: Maintenance

I did a system update, which included more anti-spam and even a couple more things for users.  If you find any glitches, please let me know.


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Re: Maintenance

My apologies to everyone--I finished all the maintenance, but forgot to take it out of maintenance mode...  I was wondering why nobody was visiting.

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Re: Maintenance

Thomas, is it possible to post photos instead of uploading as a file?

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Re: Maintenance

WarBow wrote:

Thomas, is it possible to post photos instead of uploading as a file?

Other than using the "Attachment" button, not yet.  The only other way is to use the img tags and reference a file on another site, like people have been doing.

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Re: Maintenance

How are those @#$%$# spammers getting through?  I have TWO types of spam protection; one is a captcha and the other is answering a specific question at registration. 

May the fleas of a thousand camels nestle in their armpits!  mad

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