(9 replies, posted in Bows)

~HUN~ wrote:

The discussion was going down the road of historical technique, I simply pointed out it was meaningless.

It sounds more like negativity to me.  I enjoy discussing many aspects of these traditions.  People may be unfamiliar with Scythian bows, why not discuss them and their history?


(9 replies, posted in Bows)

Korean synthetics compared to nearly any other modern synthetic are pretty unique in design in that no other synthetic bow will give you quite the same experience that's made in the spirit of the asiatics.  All I can say is that the only other synthetic I pull for frequently because of good working dynamics with a thumb draw in my collection is the Damascus model that Lukas makes.  It's also a favorite among modern day horse archers who compete.  Lukas also makes a good Turk bow from what I hear.  You'll just have to be willing to shell out all that cash.

I'd recommend mariner bows to you but they aren't really that petite but are a great value and perform well.


(9 replies, posted in Bows)

As you probably have witnessed by now particularly on my Scythian thread, the more accessible modern synthetics are obviously not the same as what was traditionally produced in days bygone.  And if we try and answer such without saying so we may be thought policed.  smile   

Ergo excessive boiler plate is needed for these discussions.

So anyway, what are you trying to do here exactly?  Are you trying to get an actual hornbow or another synthetic?


(3 replies, posted in Buy/Sell/Trade)

Up for sale is one of Golhan's Turk bows made in 2012.

Here are some specs:

Draw weight: 58@28
Length nock to nock: 45 inches
Leather covering: Synthetic dark brown
Material: laminate fibre glass with special resin

It now has some vet wrap for the arrow pass and new string serving.  Only other thing to call attention to is some rough spots that Golhan didn't buff out well on the upper limb.   They are not cracks just rough spots.  The bow functions perfectly fine and I'll let it go for a cool 200 dollars.  Buying from Golhan direct will cost you 450.  Shipping will likely have to be negotiated depending on where this is going.  Comes with original string and bow soc.  Here are the pics:







(4 replies, posted in Accessories)

I made my own to what I could gather was 'historical measurements' or 'standard measurements' (28 inches and a certain diameter that I can't recall off the top of my head).  Everything was fine except it was too short for me.  So I purchased from Gungsulwon and theirs was 31 inches came with 3 baby arrows and was far more comfortable for my draw.  Plus it was lacquered and had a few other features mine didn't.  Its totally doable to make one w/o lacquered and very basic yet functional like mine.  The hardest part was picking out the proper piece of bamboo.  Basically, nature has to provide a shoot with the correct measurements.  It was far more easier too to get the right shoot at 28 inches than at 31.


(4 replies, posted in Accessories)

I got mine from Korean Gungsulwon for 160 dollars but it doesn't look like they're offering them on ebay anymore.  I learned to shoot it myself by watching youtube videos.  You can find a ton of them there if you haven't already.

I'd be curious to see what the quality is like on the one that Koreanbows.com offers.


(13 replies, posted in New Member Introductions)

Tom wrote:

Sure, Geo, but five to six months each year of practice in this sub-optimal weather condition is just to much for me...
Today's temperature was -4 F° (-19°C). Just too cold for my little thumbs!  ;-)

You definitely have quite the sub-optimal condition there. yikes


(13 replies, posted in New Member Introductions)

Tom wrote:

Thank you too, Geo, for your kind words. I just prefer Montreal IN SUMMER, like all other human beings ;-)) Winter is just a frozen hell...

I admit I haven't experienced a winter up your way yet but I hear it is definitely the real deal!  In regard to this someone told me once a long time ago that some Asian archery traditions encouraged practice in sub-optimal weather conditions in order to strengthen and toughen the archer in training.


(13 replies, posted in New Member Introductions)


Montreal is a cool place....especially in the winter.  Sorry couldn't help myself but yeah I love visiting Montreal and Quebec in general so good to see a Quebecer pop in.

Good call too going for the low poundage for first bow.  It will make the initial learning process go smooth.


(26 replies, posted in Bows)

Something to keep in mind here: These bows that SMG and others make with bamboo, carbon and horn lamination combination are not in of themselves purely 'traditional bows' in make.  Obviously.  They use modern materials and construction methods in a means to create something that carries on in the spirit of tradition but also practicality as today's space age materials provide.  But even modern grip material will appear on the 'true' horn composites:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/TRADITIONAL-KOR … SwA4dWG2E0

So the OP should feel free to try whatever is desired based on time, material available, comfort and overall practicality.  A myriad of suggestions and clarifications have been made so OP has a good base to go by now.


(26 replies, posted in Bows)

basilisk120 wrote:

That is interesting.  The wrap that comes with the SMG is a bit different in style and not sure that would work as well.

Indeed, quite a few Korean bows don't come with that wrap type in the video.  Which should have been painfully obvious based on how the question was asked in the first place. wink


(26 replies, posted in Bows)

The easy way out: just use vet wrap instead.


However if you strictly want to use the given material then usually you cut it up strip by strip and wrap the strips around the handle until completely covered.  The best type of glue to use is some sort of contact cement like below:


The second way is naturally a bit messy and will take some time, not instant gratification but can be done.  The first way only takes a mere seconds though.  Choice is yours.

Have you checked out this thread yet?:


Basically goes over all the trials and tribulations with trying to get through to SMG directly.  And its still a pretty new thread too.

Long story short: go to www.koreanbow.com and order from them.  They actually sell the standard SMG (http://www.koreanbow.com/shop/index.php … ;id_lang=1) but any of the other SMGs you'd have to specify from them to get.  There is a significant mark up too but at the moment its the easiest, least frustrating, most sure fire way to get an SMG.

They usually rate their bows at 31 inches if I recall correctly.  If you order from above just specify what you know you draw at at 28 inches and I'm sure they could help you out.


(17 replies, posted in Technique)

I've had problems too with drawing and shorter arrows.  I have long arms and have been trying to find long carbon shafts as well.  Seems the best you can do is simply buy aluminum but I prefer using the actual Korean style arrows.  Koreanbow.com offers these arrows (http://www.koreanbow.com/shop/index.php … er=product) at 33.4 inches but truthfully I could use the extra inch.


(69 replies, posted in Bows)

Greyhamster wrote:

I contacted them previously. Their laminated bow is carbonbacked and not SMG but rather from another bowyer. I could look up the message if you want

That's interesting.  They certainly made it out to look like an SMG that they sell and when I asked them about the bamboo SMG they made it sound like it was basically SMG but they stamp it or something with their own brand name.  I was a bit hesitant though to buy as their message to me was in rather confusing English and if this is true then I'm glad I did. Yeah I'm definitely interested in who they use for their laminate/synthetic bows.

Greyhamster wrote:

40 inches unstrung, 48 inches when strung. By far the smallest bow I´ve ever seen. It´s the second larges size (advertised as 127 cm, forgot the name)

Ah, yeah that is tiny.  I had a YMG at that size though I prefer sizes more in line with 'janggung' so I eventually sold it. 

Anyway glad to hear you're enjoying the bow a bit more now.


(69 replies, posted in Bows)

peterhaslund wrote:

@geoarcher: What do you think I can do to buy a laminated horn bow like yours?

I actually don't have the laminated horn bow.  Rather that's greyhamster's.  I do have a suggestion though: contact Korean Gungsulwon over at this ebay address: http://www.ebay.com/usr/luke1731.  They sell the SMG bows and just about every other Korean archery product you'd ever need.  I asked them about the one by SMG bow made out of all bamboo and they were even willing to sell that one to me.  Their mark up isn't too bad either.  Other than that you could always deal with Koreanbows.com and see what they'd do for you.


(69 replies, posted in Bows)

Agree that SMG has gone to complete hell with customer orders/service.  However, its probably the best company for a modern Korean synthetic as their bows typically outperform the rest in all other categories and the bang for the buck factor is still good.  Shame though they screwed up the draw weight here.  Buying from Gungsulwon may be the better option here after all.

@ Greyhamster: what is the strung length of the bow?  Is it about 50 or 51 inches?


(17 replies, posted in Bows)

bluelake wrote:

I'll ask Freddie about it.

Any updates on this?


(17 replies, posted in Technique)

60 pounds is definitely a bit too much.  And yes you'll have to train hard to gain stability with it.  I went all the way to 100 pounds for a bow in 2010/2011 and then dropped back down to the 40-50s.  Truthfully, even for me, an avid gym goer, I'm pushing it even at 55 pounds.  Hate to admit that but that's the reality with this sport.  You gotta train hard to maintain some of these weights.

I'd go with 40 pounds next time around.  Even when I train noobs I encourage them to go as light as possible during their beginning year:

20s for females
30s for males.

Yours truly started out with a ridiculously light bow and really there are still form things even I should be working on at the 40 pound range, even though 50 is my optimal draw weight.  Realistically, you'll never obtain proper form if you're starting out to heavy.  And I've been doing this stuff since 2006 and have hit nearly every draw range along the way.


(69 replies, posted in Bows)

Greyhamster wrote:
geoarcher wrote:
Greyhamster wrote:

He still has the bows for sale on his website but unfortunately he did not respond to my emails either. I see he hasn´t posted on this site since 2012 as well.

Yeah I know.  I wanted to buy some of his other leather craft goods that he makes but that never came to be either even after multiple contacts via email and even FB.

Odd, because he´s still active on FB. Speaking of which, have you seen the white horn bow he posted?
Hnnnngg, do want

That looks cool.  Yeah unfortunately he kinda ignores requests for archery equipment.  Even on FB.  At least that's what I've come across.


(69 replies, posted in Bows)

Greyhamster wrote:
geoarcher wrote:
marc wrote:

Thanks Greyhamster!!

Very interesting info geoarcher.  I could be wrong but I think Korea Quiver is Mechwars site. wink

He was the one SMG would refer people to for a while to get orders rather then they themselves conducting the ordering process.  Not exactly sure if that meant he was their middle man or if he carried the items in his shop but either way he was their designated sales rep for what seemed to be 'outside orders'.  It appears this has ceased to be.

He still has the bows for sale on his website but unfortunately he did not respond to my emails either. I see he hasn´t posted on this site since 2012 as well.

Yeah I know.  I wanted to buy some of his other leather craft goods that he makes but that never came to be either even after multiple contacts via email and even FB.


(69 replies, posted in Bows)

marc wrote:

Thanks Greyhamster!!

Very interesting info geoarcher.  I could be wrong but I think Korea Quiver is Mechwars site. wink

He was the one SMG would refer people to for a while to get orders rather then they themselves conducting the ordering process.  Not exactly sure if that meant he was their middle man or if he carried the items in his shop but either way he was their designated sales rep for what seemed to be 'outside orders'.  It appears this has ceased to be.

But yes that is his shop.  His standard Korean quiver is also available at Sevenstartrading.com.


(69 replies, posted in Bows)

Thanks Greyhamster.

Its interesting to see the pricing differences.  When I bought their standard carbon bow from them in 2012 it was only 200 dollars.  Now its 250 but all should be keenly aware that the Gunswulwon is selling for 270.  On the other hand it looks like you must send money to SMG via bank wire.  I hate that.

Interestingly enough, when I bought from them in 2012 they refered me to Mechwar and all I had to do was issue a Paypal payment.  Too easy.

Part of why Gunswulwon is marking up is clearly due to the fact that they're using ebay which adds on all those annoying seller fees.  However sometimes bank fees are added on to the final cost for money wires.  I wonder if that's factored into SMG's price?

Still, I'd rather do Paypal via buyer to seller outside of ebay simply due to the fact that I've had money wires go wrong in the past (bank and merchant errors were the culprits).


(69 replies, posted in Bows)

I noticed that Korean GUNGSULWON sells that too however I suspect there is a significant markup with them.  I actually asked them about the Korean SMG Bamboo bow and they had it but the price appeared marked up.


(69 replies, posted in Bows)

Greyhamster wrote:
geoarcher wrote:

Did you guys contact the site directly?

Yeah. Sent them a bunch of emails to the adress listed on their site. You gotta be persistent though because I think I sent about 4 emails, the first one being sent a month ago. I then got a reply yesterday with their orde form and a list of specs and prices.

If you wish I can forward you those files? Saves you an email

Ok sounds good.  Thanks!