(9 replies, posted in Bows)

You've got it all wrong, there is no negativity. As for discussing the Scythian culture and weaponry I'm all for it, the subject is more fascinating than any other steppe culture, in my opinion.
It would probably be better in a new thread though, rather than derail your thread in bows for sale.


(9 replies, posted in Bows)

geoarcher wrote:

And if we try and answer such without saying so we may be thought policed.  smile

Sorry you feel that way Geoarcher but I stand by my statement. Maybe I will not reply to threads as you still don't seem to appreciate my point.
Nothing to do with material. The discussion was going down the road of historical technique, I simply pointed out it was meaningless.

In answer to OP, none.


(2 replies, posted in Arrows)

What club are you a member of, is it Target or Field?
This is a non issue, your bow should come under Traditional but another beauty for you to consider is that using a thumb ring could place you in the Compound Unlimited class due to the use of a release 'aid'.
Use bamboo, something around 60lbs should be ok, depends on the tip weight and let them tell you categorically that bamboo is not allowed. Argue your case, bamboo has no ban that I am aware of (it's very recent if it is) and ask why bamboo backing is allowed on Longbows. Things tend to get interesting then wink


(4 replies, posted in Bows)

How are these bows measured? Strung, nock to nock or unstrung along the belly?


(10 replies, posted in Arrows)

smile  Cross posting,
I just found the thread and edited my post. I agree, they seem a very strange concept for smoking but no burnt plastic smell as there is no plastic, cellulose is a natural product.

Saliva is adequate IMO to do the job, I didn't see any benefit from adding the coffee, in fact it loosened the bond.


(10 replies, posted in Arrows)

Mule wrote:

Hmm.. maybe I'll try giving cigarette paper a go  big_smile

That's what it is, but not the normal paper type. Maybe lost in translation, the cellophane is actually cellulose. Look up aleda smoking products, the clear cigarette papers are what you want.
They work very nicely  wink


This is a set I made in the traditional fashion, the effect of the cellulose paper is similar to a shrink wrap over the sinew and once saliva is applied it becomes nearly invisible.


(14 replies, posted in Bows)

Personally I would not bother with the Saluki hybrid bow either, they are more like concept bows. In fact all of his bows are way overpriced IMO.


(24 replies, posted in Arrows)

i3 wrote:

i bought 85-90 spined bamboo shafts for my 38# smg, as advised by the shaft seller for full length 33

I don't understand, earlier you say you were advised to go around 20# heavier (55-60# spine) and then you buy much heavier spined shafts. I bet they are slow, I'm surprised your aim isn't at the sky to send these 90m.

I'd suggest you try some at 45-50# and 50-55# and experiment with different weight points.

55# @ 32".
Started with a leather ring, tried one I made from horn and didn't like it. Used leather ever since.

I would advise against buying one online, the fit needs to be precise which requires trying it on. Have a go at making a leather one, it's all you need.


(9 replies, posted in Competition)

Scarecrow wrote:

Well I thought I was hooked on Korean Archery before but now I am definitely all about it.  I can't wait for the next opportunity to get out and try another 3-D match.  I don't know if I'll ever find a spot to try the traditional Korean match style but I'll keep looking.  ~Hun~ you are definitely spot on about the bows being great for carrying around the field it was a blast.

My club is a Field archery club, our course is a wooded hillside. Plenty of obstacles, at times treacherous footing and it always makes me smile when I see the recurve and compound archers struggling around.
My only complaint is three arrows per target. Fine with the time those archers take but nowhere near enough for us.


(9 replies, posted in Competition)

Eat bigger pies  wink


(9 replies, posted in Competition)

These bows are great for field shooting, light, portable, great fun.


(37 replies, posted in Arrows)

WarBow, a matter of opinion wouldn't you say? I've used both which is why I suggested cutting. Much nicer  wink


(17 replies, posted in Hwarang Bows)

I seem to remember it's the choice of the archer whether the specified weight is measured at 28" or 31".


(37 replies, posted in Arrows)

Tip for cutting fletchings.
Cut the fletching to the required length and glue them to the arrow. Apply masking tape to both sides of the feather. Make a template of your choice and mark around this with a pen. Using a nice sharp scissors, cut around the shape and then peel off the remaining tape to reveal the fletching.

Hello gpang788,
I'm glad you have solved your problem.
One thing that should be considered when using a new technique is muscle memory and aiming method, remember your body has trained to use a completely different system, even down to how you aim. It will take a long time to re train.
The arrow is far more important than the bow and though you have found something that has worked for you, it may not be the same for another. For every perfect arrow setup ( spine, weight, length, point, fletching ) there are other setups with adjustments, that work just as well. In other words, I could get the same performance from a number of arrows of different spec. For instance, there is nothing to suggest that a shorter, weaker spined arrow would not perform similarly.


(10 replies, posted in Europe)

Good luck with the SPTA, I don't know if things have changed with them, if not, only a Traditional Korean Bow (as in true hornbow) will suffice. I looked at this society a few years ago, when getting short shrift from the usual suspects (GNAS, IFAA, NFAS) they were keen on traditional materials for bows, strings, arrows et al.
Not too many places suitable for a 145m target, other than Clout or similar, roving marks for instance. You should find a welcome with Clout archers but you will still have no category and therefore confined to informal meets.
I've just looked at their website, it looks revamped and it seems a lot busier than it was. Hilary Greenland is a member of this forum and I know that she has attended the WTAF (competed with Carole Edwards of Carolearchery in the team event.)
I used to get my wooden shafts from Carole and she brought a Hwarang back with her. She loved the bow, found transition to thumb release very awkward and chuckled as she told me that it didn't want to shoot close targets  wink
Please be sure to let us know the outcome of this one.


(10 replies, posted in Europe)

Not to my knowledge, Bob.


(0 replies, posted in New Member Introductions)

Hello everyone.
This is just to remind people that we do not want live links in threads, thanks. If linking to a relevant site, ie, Korean archery, bows etc, that is not a problem. Please do not use this forum to spam.
Thank you.

Welcome tweaks,
I hope you are not too disappointed, as Mattia has already said, they need to be very precise. Again, a leather ring is not only easy to make, it will also be much easier to use ( I only use leather ones)
I would advise you to try with a leather ring anyway, before giving a solid type a go.


(2 replies, posted in Arrows)

Definitely arrow.


(3 replies, posted in Arrows)

Hello Katsumoto,
Pseudosasa Japonica Japanese Arrow bamboo is an excellent alternative. I have made many arrows from the mature plants in my garden.


(9 replies, posted in Bows)

It was how the bow 'wanted to be'. I did wind it up to five and a half, it was too tight, I could feel the shot for too long.


(5 replies, posted in New Member Introductions)

Welcome wildwills, good choice.


(9 replies, posted in Bows)

At what point are you measuring brace height? Those figures of six to six and a half do sound odd.
Measured to the belly, directly above the grip, mine is only slightly over five and a quarter inches. The string would be twisted like a rope to achieve six, even at five and a half the string is over twisted.